Wednesday, August 22, 2012

      You know how some people test the water of a pool to make sure it is the right temperature? I've never been one of those people. And once again I've found myself cannon balling into the water... this time the water is working in downtown Cleveland at a charter school with all minority and low income students (and not just any students either... Kindergartners). I see this blog as an opportunity to share the great challenges and growth I have already begun to encounter as I serve this population.I also see it as a chance to reflect, which I don't make a lot of time for these days. 
        Now on to the interesting stories. Kindergartners are an interesting breed... on the one hand they pick their noses, put their hands in their mouths, and need help with everything from zipping up pants to tucking in shirts. On the other hand they write their names for the first time in your presence, learn how to read, and truly do say the darndest things. So with that I will recount some of the moments so far that have made me smile, cry, or just shake my head. 

-me: What month is it? 
 students: Tuesday
-me: What number comes before thirteen? 
 student: two teen? 
-me: What words starts with the L sound
 students: alligator pronounced "ligator"
-I found out that this week that "use it" means they have to go to the bathroom 
-having a conversation with one of my louder students about being a leader and watching her demeanor change in class

-finding out one of my kindergartners might have herpes
-custody battles 
-working 60+ hours a week and still not feeling like everything that needs to be done is done

-one of my favorite trouble makers started off the year evading discipline from me and other teachers by climbing underneath desks. I am happy to report their have been no desk incidents this week. 
-a new student vomits in my classroom twice. We call to have her get picked up and find out that not only do we not have any contact information for the parents, but we don't even know the student's last name... and being a Kindergartner she can't write it for us. 
-my roster has changed over 10 times since the beginning of school
-a mom walked in during the middle of class today to have a discussion about the reading backpacks we sent home
-my co-teacher left sick in the afternoon leaving me with 30 restless students to look after for the rest of the day, thank God for help from the other staff.